Nate Diaz will appear at the UFC 244 after the latest development, which took place last night. The American MMA fighter for whom it was recently speculated that he might have failed a doping test, is cleared of all the allegation after the latest investigation,
Dana White, the president of the UFC organization, posted the news on his Tweeter account, saying that the fight between Diaz and Jorge Masvidal is on.
“The fight is ON!!!,” UFC president Dana White tweeted Friday. “I 100 percent knew Nate wasn’t taking anything to cheat.”
Diaz had a test in October which showed traces of a substance called Ligandrol, a selective androgen receptor module, banned according to USADA regulations. It is used to stimulate muscle growth, and according to the sources, the levels in his blood were twice higher than allowed.
Those allegations made the fighter pretty mad, and he threatened to withdraw from the match even if the fight would still take place, and he was allowed to participate. Diaz didn’t want for the UFC and all the involved parties in this mess, to clear his name first as he didn’t want to have anything with doping scandals.
“I am not going to play their game and try and hide it or keep quiet, as they suggest,” he wrote on his social media accounts.
After all, this USADA executed an investigation that traced the source of the banned substance to a food supplement used by Diaz, but which was completely legal. According to the sources from the agency, that was “an organic, vegan plant-based multivitamin,” the fighter used. This is not the first time this year, that prohibited doping substances contaminated the organic supplements fighters used.
Diaz’s team sent all the supplements the fighter used to a laboratory in Utah, where USADA later found the origin of the banned LGD-4033.
It is why the UFC reacted immediately last night, issuing a statement in which they denied all the speculations about Diaz’s doping involvement and about the fight itself.
“Mr. Diaz has not committed an anti-doping policy violation, has not been provisionally suspended and is not subject to any sanctions,” a UFC statement said.
What is also a problem, in this case, is that the threshold for this substance is different in the state of New York and other states. It is why many speculated that the New York State Athletic Commission might cause problems by summoning Diaz to a hearing o something else.
UFC chief of business Hunter Campbell denied that by saying that NYSAC isn’t going to do anything like that as they already have all the information regarding this case, and they are aware that Diaz didn’t use any substances on purpose.
Based on the info they have in front of them, it’s been conveyed to me there is a high degree of comfort that Nate in no way was seeking a performance-enhancing advantage,” Hunter said.
Meanwhile, Jorge Masvidal stated that he wants to fight Diaz regardless of the entire situation, due to the great respect he has for him, and vice versa.